A Memorandum of Understanding was signed on the 7th of June 2023 in Belgrade, Serbia, between the Commissioner of Communications, Mr. George Michaelides, who represented both the Digital Security Authority (“DSA) and the Office of the Commissioner for Electronic Communications and Postal Regulation (“OCECPR”) of the Republic of Cyprus on the one hand and Mr. Dragan Pejović, Director of the Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (“RATEL”) and the National Centre for the Prevention of Security Risks in Information and Communication Systems (“SRB-CERT”) of the Republic of Serbia, on the other.
Recognising the importance of cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Cyprus for information, best practices and experience exchange in the field of electronic communications, as well as, in the field of cybersecurity in order to face cyber challenges and threats it was agreed to enter into a memorandum of understanding to record their common intention to co-operate.
The Memorandum of Understanding aims to raise the level of expertise and exchange of information in the field of electronic communications and postal services, as well as, in the field of cybersecurity in order to protect, improve and enhance cybersecurity levels and achieve effective cooperation in matters of electronic communications and postal services.